
Analysis Of ' Between The World And Me, '

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In Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Between the World and Me, Coates seeks to educate his young son and in turn the reader of his experience as an African American man in the United States. In this, racism becomes a very prominent and complex theme. In some way racism impacted every facet of his life. The novel highlights the drastic difference in the ability for curiosity and personal development and questioning in his public education in a poor area versus his continued education at Howard University a historically black private college. What was the main cause of these extremely different experiences, socioeconomics, institutional culture, educational style?
Coates spent his childhood years in a poor Baltimore public school, a system that “mostly meant always packing an extra number 2 pencil and working quietly” (Coates 25). He grew up believing that “The world had no time for the childhoods of black boys and girls” (Coates 25). School was not to him a place of education but rather an institution whose purpose was to train the students to obey and conform. “Algebra, Biology, and english were not subjects so much as opportunities to better discipline the body” (Coates 25). In many low income public schools education seems to fall through the cracks. The curriculum meets the basic requirements but lacks the space for the kids to find personal passions, to be curious about what they want to know and believe. Coastes’s childhood education was not one of discovery, rather it was

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