
Analysis Of Booker T. Washington

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Terry summarized his link which had videos about Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. There were two African American men wanting to uplift the Black community, but sought two different ways of doing so. They both saw things from two different points of views. Booker T. Washington spoke as a southerner who grew up as a slave that experienced racism throughout his life. He advocated industrial/vocational education to give blacks a useful skill to make money and take of their families. Washington had attended Hampton University. According to video, he even said that blacks would give up their civil rights if whites would show faith in them. He also uses the phrase “cast down your buckets” and stop hiring foreigners to do work blacks could do. His method fit many blacks who weren’t able to go to academic schools. W.E.B Dubois spoke from a northern black aspect that hadn’t experienced racism. It was when Dubois came to the south to study is when he experience true blatant racism. Dubois was the first black to graduate from Harvard with a doctorate. Dubois didn’t agree with Washington’s Atlanta compromise, he didn’t believe that blacks could rise off just vocational schools. He believed that in order for the black community to rise they needed an advance academic education to obtain knowledge so that they could own their own businesses and properties. He strongly believed in creating Black elite academics. He believed that southern blacks didn’t have to accept just the basic

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