
Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

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Take a second and ask yourself this question. Who are you? Are you really that different than anyone else? Like most people, you probably fall into the small range of what our society has deemed society acceptable. You wake up in the morning head off to school or work, talk to all the same people, doing most all the same things. It's your routine, and it's all very comfortable and consistent. As just another victim of society you've lost your individuality, it's the product of fitting in and following the standards of our society. It's normal for people to thrive off the simplicity and routine of normal everyday life but for some people such as Chris McCandless everyday life is agony. Chris McCandless was a nonconformist who always managed to …show more content…

Chris McCandless is an exceptional example of individuality, that came to be threw childhood rebellion, a curious unique perspective and the ambition and desire to part for society. Into the Wild is a book by Jon Krakauer that tells the tale of Chris McCandless. Even a young age Chris retained a strong individuality. During his childhood years there were several instances of Chris rebelling against all things that repressed his ambitious character. Chapter 11 tells of how Chris’s father Walt takes the family to climb Longs Peak in Colorado. “I’d had it, OK,” Walt explains, “but Chris wanted to keep going to the top. I told him no way. He was only twelve then, so all he could do was complain. If he’d been fourteen or fifteen, he would have simply gone on without me” (Krakauer 109). Krakauer shows his audience that even at age 12 Chris is not like most kids. A normal 12 year old would have likely gotten tired of hiking and wanted to turn back but there was something that always drove chris to keep going. Chris’s ambition and rebellion only developed further as he aged and so did the gap between him and society. Further on in chapter 11 we get a glimpse at Chris’s unique perspective on life. A close friend

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