
Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

Decent Essays

Chris McCandless became known after the book, into the wild was written about him and his journey to alaska. Jon Krakauer wrote Into the wild to expose Chris’s life the best he could. McCandless’ journey leads to death and the confusion of his parents who hadn't heard from him for two years. Into The Wild is about chris who wants to “invent a new life for himself”, he completely wants to abandon the life he has including those who raised him. He goes into the wild and travels on foot to alaska with nothing but what he could carry. Not even close to what he would need in the end. The character stands out because he doesn't want to live the “normal” life of an adult with a wife, kids, and a home. Chris wanted the adventure of a lifetime and he was ok with doing it alone. He wasn't scared or worried about what was about to happen. Chris just needed to find himself. His character could be described as admirable, proud and mentally strong
McCandless did something no one would think of doing as a teenager. In the authors note it says “when the boy headed off into the alaskan bush. He entertained no illusions that he was trekking into a land of milk and honey.” This shows that McCandless was very different from any other teenager graduating college, he didn't …show more content…

Mccandless was determined to find his happiness and that meant cutting off his parents who he felt hurt him. He wanted a great adventure but also a challenge and nothing was going to stop him from getting to Alaska. On page 123 , it says ”the deception committed by Walt and Billie made his entire childhood seem like a fiction.” It is apparent that Chris wanted his life to have meaning. Being with his parents made his life feel like a mistake. Completing the journey to Alaska made Chris feel real, it made him happy. On page 163 it says, “two years. he walks the earth. no phone. no pool. no pets. no cigarettes . ultimate

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