
Analysis Of Christopher Columbus Discovered The New World And Europeans Conquered The Native Lands With Little Resistance

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“Christopher Columbus discovered the ‘New World’ and Europeans conquered the native lands with little resistance due to their superior weaponry.” These stories have been at the heart of the American education system for as long as American history existed. But this type of Eurocentric view does not provide the entire narrative for the events that occurred during the colonial era in the Greater Caribbean. Between Britain’s esteemed navy, France’s leadership, and Spain’s army, who would’ve guessed that mosquitoes could’ve tipped the scale of power and changed history forever? J.R. Mcneill addresses the key significance of mosquitoes in the colonial Greater Caribbean by utilizing existing information and presenting them in the format of a …show more content…

Furthermore, gullies started appearing in bigger quantities due to soil erosion, and this is best described by “one downpour in November 1668 [that] opened a gully in the churchyard of Christ Church parish that carried 1,500 coffins and their contents out to sea” (McNeill 28). Moreover, not only are these marshes bad for plantations, it was also an ideal situation for mosquitoes. To make the situation even worse, the birds that were the main predators to the mosquitoes have now exited the ecosystem. Despite this, Barbados was largely free of malarial mosquitoes, but other islands weren’t so lucky. When the Europeans made their transatlantic voyages, in addition to trading slaves and commodities, yellow fever and malaria managed to sneak their way onto the slave ships. Due to the sheer quantity of slaves needed to run a sugarmill, these slave ships were often crowded beyond capacity and its cramped and damp hulls provided a haven for mosquitoes infected with numerous diseases. And these unfortunate islands became hubs for spreading malaria and yellow fever. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the deadliness of these diseases is to bring up the Haitian Revolution in St. Domingue. Soonafter the rebellions broke out in Haiti, the British Army arrived in an effort to weaken their French rival. When the army arrived, the planters and whites in general welcomed them, and so did

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