
Analysis Of Cobain's Life

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Several insiders had stated that he removed Courtney from his new will. So that once he had divorced her, she would no longer have access to all his money, also, Cobain had stated that his band Nirvana was not going to perform at the Lollapalooza, which would of made them millions. "Courtney went ballistic", says Dylan Carlson. She was furious that Kurt was passing up on so much money. When Courtney employed PI Tom Grant to find Kurt, she neglected to specify that Cali had seen Kurt at the Lake Washington home (the Cobain Mansion) the day before. Now, wouldn't that be one of the first things you would tell somebody in the event that they were searching for your missing spouse? Furthermore, Courtney had also asked Tom Grant to set up …show more content…

The medical examiner for Kurt's case knew Courtney a long time before she had gotten married to Kurt. Truth be told, they were actually pretty good friends and they used to go out bar hopping together. Since they were such great friends I think it would've been a better idea if someone else would have been assigned to deal with the examination of Kurt's body. Not long after this potential conflict was uncovered, he cleared out the King County medical examiner's office and accepted a position in a small town in Florida.The electrician that discovered Kurt's body was sent to the Cobain Mansion by Courtney to ensure everything was working properly. Even though nobody would have been at the manor at any point in the near future. This random task for the electrician makes me think that the only reason she had him sent to the mansion was so he could find Kurt's body. Courtney went on tour with her band "Hole" less than half a month after Kurt's passing. This wouldn't be worth saying, with the exception of the fact that she was his wife and that she should've been mourning his passing, not going on tour and playing shows. It is also a fact that Courtney Love is a vicious person by nature. Evidence of her vicious actions would be her tendency to threaten and assault individuals that would talk against her. She would attack anyone that talked down on her. Courtney's own particular father believes she is

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