
Analysis Of Colonialism By Walcott

Decent Essays

Colonialism’s initial assumption or rather a presumption was to create a civilised and ordered world through establishing dominion over seemingly uncivilised and backwards countries. The colonial enterprise was justified based on the prevalent discourses of savage and primitive natives as reality was hidden due to a severe lack of historical narrative from the natives themselves. The ‘white man’s burden’ is to care for indigenous people who are unable to survive. This becomes a disguise for economic interests in colonisation. An important aspect of colonisation was to ‘discover’ new lands and territories in order to accumulate them in their world. With the dawn of this age of discovery, new areas were found and the New World was formed. This …show more content…

There is almost no romanticising of history as he depicts the bloody and gruesome truth behind colonial repression. His poems become the tools to appropriate history and rewrite colonialism from the perspective of the victims and not the colonisers. According to Walcott, colonialism caused a separation or division of self in Caribbean writers who have to struggle with the questions of identity. As Shara McCallum remarks:
A poem exposes and defines the moment that a particular consciousness and language meet; and Walcott's poems tilt this moment of encounter toward the light in such a way that the gesture itself and the resulting poem often reveal the prismatic nature of identity. (23)
Walcott admitted to being in a complex position of being stuck between a certain consciousness of gratitude to the Western world for his cultural and intellectual learning and his allegiance to his African lineage. This position is often represented in his work as it forms a hybrid identity for him. Many critics call this the “schizophrenic situation” of Caribbean identity as they are in between two drastically different cultures. In “A Far Cry from Africa”, Walcott overtly addresses his struggle to concretise his idea of identity:
I who am poisoned with the blood of

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