
Analysis Of Creighton 's Edutaining Children

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In Creighton 's Edutaining Children and in Allison 's Obento, they both discuss the important of married woman devoting their time toward making their children the best; however, in Kinsella 's Cuties in Japan, she discusses that Japanese uses kawaii to escape from conforming to Japanese culture. Children are considered very important to the Japanese society. There are many restriction as mother are suppose to make their children best. Women are conformed through making obento, a lunch box, for their children as they need to devote themselves into motherhood work. In Japanese culture, the society consists of needing to conform. A new trend Kawaii (cute) appeared to rebel against conforming to the society. Thus, Japanese women are heavily discriminated against through gender and employment where women are devoted into their own children, obento making, and the new style kawaii. Women are expected to conform to Japanese society by working full time as a mother for their children and husband. Creighton explains that "edutaining" is a combination of education and entertainment that has been stuck together. Creighton explains that “in present day Japan, the perception of children as treasures often implies indulging them with unprecedented consumer offering” (Creighton 35). Women are force to put their children in top priorities and abandoning their employment as there is no time to work. The Japanese market towards babies. For example, in Japanese mall, they host

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