
Analysis Of Emmeline Pankhurst 's Work Essay

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Emmeline Pankhurst was born in Moss Side, Manchester, in July 1858, to parents, Robert Goulden and Sophia Jane Craine. Both sides of Emmeline’s parents had been engrained with deep-rooted political beliefs for generations. Her father, Robert Goulden, was a businessman with radical political beliefs. He took part in the campaigns against slavery. Emmeline’s mother was a feminist and began taking her daughter to women’s suffrage meetings at a very young age. While her parents hoped to prepare their daughter for a life as a wife, mother, and homemaker, Emmeline was clearly on a political path from the very start. With her family’s political background and early upbringing, it is not unforeseen that Emmeline Pankhurst would devote her life to achieving equal rights for women and become one of England’s most influential suffragettes.
At the time Emmeline was born, England had rigid ideas of appropriate gender roles. Education for females was restricted, and the courses generally focused on domestic skills rather than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Although the Goulden parents supported the women’s suffrage and the progression of women in society, they required that their daughter uphold a traditional female role. Emmeline recalled one night while she was pretending to be sleeping, where she heard her father said to her mother “what a pity she wasn’t born a lad.” (Pankhurst, "My Own Story" 7) If she was born a boy, she would have benefited from a decent education and would

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