
Analysis Of ' Eve 's Apology On The Fall Of Humanity ' Essay

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Although Aemilia Lanyer and John Milton were both writing on the Fall of humanity, their approaches to this topic were vastly different. Lanyer wrote “Eve’s Apology in Defense of Women,” in order to combat the widely-believed cultural idea of the time that placed the fault of the Fall entirely on Eve. Milton, on the other hand, is attempting to explore this biblical story in Paradise Lost to prove that Adam and Eve had free will, thus absolving God of responsibility for the fall. Lanyer and Milton differ in their portrayal of the fall through their depiction of Adam and Eve’s relationship and their ideas about the free will of each of the characters. These factors ultimately lead Milton to present a portrait of the fall that seems more balanced and accurate. One of the reasons for which Milton and Lanyer portray the Fall differently in their texts is because of their views on the relationship between Adam and Eve. Firstly, although Lanyer does acknowledge that Adam and Eve share a strong bond, she often represents the relationship of Adam and Eve as a dictatorship, portraying Adam as the dictator. Because of this unbalanced power structure, which, in Lanyer’s eyes, overtly favors Adam over Eve, Lanyer absolves Eve of responsibility for the Fall and places the blame squarely on Adam even though Eve offered the fruit to Adam. In portraying this perceived power structure, Lanyer states, “Let not us women glory in men’s fall / Who had power given to overrule us all” (Lanyer,

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