
Analysis Of Fat Kid Rules The World

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Response 1: The main characters in Fat Kid Rules the World are Troy Billings and Curt McCae. Fat Kid Rules the World can connect to other books, songs, and tv shows that are about how people want to end their life and commit suicide. The setting in Fat Kid Rules the World is set in the city. Troy Billings is a 300 pound 17-year-old, who is considering committing suicide. Curt is a homeless boy who comes from a hard background. He is addicted to prescription medication, and nobody seems to really care. Curt McCae steps into Troy’s life to change his mind about committing suicide. I feel like Curt McCae is going to be able to help Troy Billings turn his life around and help him change his mind about suicide. Why does Troy Billings feel the need to commit suicide in the first place? Why is Curt McCae the person that helps him out of all people? The main conflict in Fat Kid Rules the World is the fact that Troy Billings want to commit suicide because he feels that nobody likes him because he’s fat. However, Troy Billings is helped over the conflict by Curt McCae.

Response 2: In Fat Kid Rules the World Troy Billings desires to commit suicide. Troy is about to jump in front of a subway until Curt McCae steps in to save Troy because Curt wants to help Troy. I feel the overall theme of Fat Kid Rules the World is the importance of self-esteem. Troy is contemplating suicide. When Curt wants to befriend him and when he invites Troy to join his band, Troy doesn't believe it's actually happening to him. He persuades himself that the entire afternoon and evening were part of a hallucination before he goes to school the next day and discovers that it all was real. Fat Kid Rules the World is structured with lots of description of Troy Billings, Curt McCae and everything they each do throughout the entire book. Another type of structure in Fat Kid Rules the World is problem-solution. The problem or conflict in Fat Kid Rules the World is Troy Billings want to jump in front of a subway to commit suicide. The problem is slowly solved throughout the book by Curt McCae. Curt notices Troy about to jump in front of the subway so he steps in to convince him not to jump. Curt slowly helps dig Troy out of his low self esteem hole as

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