
Analysis Of Flowers For Algernon

Decent Essays

Was Charlie's temporary increase of intelligence worth the loss he suffers by its departure?

In the riveting short story by Daniel Keyes, “Flowers for Algernon”, we discover the significance of time and value. Charlie Gordon, a 32-year-old man with the brain of a 5-year-old, has been chosen to undergo a life-changing experiment. Consequently, the outcome of this experiment is a temporary increase of intelligence that will eventually wear off. Now was this temporary increase of intelligence worth the suffer or not? I strongly believe that the operation was more rewarding than it was damaging because Charlie discovers how to devote time to the right people and comprehend a life time's worth of information and experiences within the duration of only a few months.

The importance of human affection was never fully developed by Charlie only after he had the operation. He learns about honesty and trust which could never be taught without the authentic experience. When Charlie falls in love with Ms. Kinnian (“I’m in love with Miss Kinnian” April 28), it opened up this side of him that no one had ever seen. His excitement towards her made him recognize the beauty in the small things. (“I don't understand why I never noticed how beautiful Miss Kinnian really is. She has brown eyes and feathery brown hair that comes to the top of her neck” April 28). Charlie developed an infatuation. Although it was brief, his fidelity creates a small attribute to his nature.

In addition to his love for Miss Kinnian, Charlie also cherishes the mouse, Algernon. Charlie admires Algernon’s presence as if he is a friend that is going on the same adventure as him. Throughout the story when Charlie gradually starts to lose his memory, he still knows how important Algernon is for him. Even when he completely goes back to his old self, he remembers to put flowers on Algernon’s grave because he knows that Algernon was not just any other mouse. Algernon was a part of him, and placing flowers on his grave was placing flowers on the loss of intelligence for both him and the mouse. (quote about putting flowers on grave) With the help of the operation, Charlie explores the reality of losing someone that you are truly passionate about.

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