
Analysis Of Frank Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'

Good Essays

Everyone knows that one person from school who does not fit in. These people are known to us as strange, weird, and different from the standards set by the majorities of society. In the article, “Isn’t Everyone a Little Bit Weird?” at the beginning of Unit 2 in the My Perspectives textbook, the reading describes how even the most remarkable individuals how some hidden unexpected traits. “The Metamorphosis” is a short story by Frank Kafka. Gregor, the main character, wakes up to realize that he has turned into a bug. Throughout the story, we see how his life is slowly falling apart as his family suffers from his transformation. Overall, outsiders are not those who are misjudged or misunderstood because everyone is weird in some way, even as they attempt to fit in, people never take time and are quick to create judgements of others, and society wants all identities to be equal in order to avoid the fear of change. There is no need to try to fit in because we are all unique in our own way. The article “Isn’t Everyone a Little Bit Weird?” gives the example of the founding father Benjamin Franklin. “He created his own alphabet, dispensing with the letters c, j, q,w, x, and y, and adding others he made up to stand in for common sounds. He was said to have favored “air baths,” often writing his essays and letters while sitting in a cold room with nothing on” (Pearson Realize, paragraph 4). The point that the reading is trying to make is that even the most remarkable people do out

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