
Analysis Of ' Full Blown Advocacy '

Decent Essays

Full-blown advocacy

• Chapter 7 discusses the importance of advocating for the ELs’ equitable access to assessments. As teachers of ELs, we are very aware of how the annual high-stakes assessments are culturally and linguistically biases.

• Educators of ELs must advocate for students by assessing them as equitably as possible and using their assessment data thoughtfully to improve their instruction (p. 169).

Lets dream for a minute or two. Imagine you have the opportunity to discuss with the U.S. Secretary of Education the importance of using diverse types of assessments to properly measure the educational goals of ELs. What types of assessments will you propose to utilize with ELs?

Content area assessments for ELs

• Coming back to reality, educators know that summative content area assessments for ELs are here to stay.
• Research suggests that ELs’ score on summative academic content assessments in English are not always representative of these students’ content skills and knowledge (p. 173).
• But results cannot be accurate for ELs if they are based on the assumptions that test-takers are familiar with American history and culture, and/or if they use subjective language or have not been shown to be predictive of success for ELs (p. 173).

How can we educate our schools’ administrators and colleagues in the concept of not assuming that ELs are knowledgeable of American culture? What are some ways we can include topics related to American culture and the use

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