
Analysis Of Hi I Am A Slut By Savannah Brown

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The slam poem Hi, I’m a slut written and performed by Savannah Brown explores the empowering truths behind female sexuality through powerful, passionate, and emotional language. Throughout the poem Brown exposes the double standards, the objectification and the weakened female sexuality at the hands of misogyny. Brown addresses many topics on the surface such as abuse, derogatory terms, bullying, rape, sexism and in order to display and demonstrate the effects she utilised stylistic devices such as metaphors, repetition and tone of voice to highlight her overall message. Through this poem Brown raises awareness and exposes the double standards displayed by society in an attempt to make people talk about the issue. In order to demonstrate the reality of sexism within society, repetition was utilised to display the constant judgment on female sexuality. “Hi, I am a slut” is repeated throughout all stanzas to emphasize how flippantly it is used within society in such a degrading manner in an attempt to lessen female sexuality. When Brown performs her poem the tone and passion in her voice reiterates the idea that the word is used so loosely that it has now lost a sense of meaning. Brown also repeats the use of blunt vocabulary throughout the stanzas in order to share her views on the issue. For example “and since you can’t see it, it probably doesn’t exist anyway, I was probably faking it anyway, women don’t like sex anyway.” Throughout this example the bluntness of the

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