
Analysis Of Homer 's ' The Iliad '

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For thousands of years the Trojan War, spoken of in Homer 's epic poem the Iliad, has been believed to have been a legend made up by Homer rather than a poem based on historical fact. It was only in 1865 that archeologists began digging up Hissarlik, the supposed site of Troy based on the Iliad, situated in Troad in the North-West of the Asian Minor. The first archeologist at this site, Frank Calvert, was convinced that Hissarlik was the site of the ancient city of Troy. After numerous archeological digs there appeared to be more Hittite evidence that indicated Troy was in fact a city which the Hittites called Wilusia, as stated on their historical tablets. Despite, after many years of excavation, the proof of the existence of Troy became evident. However, evidence for a war between the Trojans and the Greeks took a lot longer. In the Iliad it is said that the Greeks fought the Trojans for ten years in a battle lead by the king of Mycenae, Agamemnon. There is significant proof in Mycenae being the political power house during the time of the late Bronze Age when the Trojan War was fought, providing evidence that the Mycenaeans did fight against the Trojans. The Hittites records of the war appear to be accurate when compared to all other existing evidence. Indeed, their records do clearly mention the majority of wars that were fought in their region and specifically a long war in Wilusia, against the Mycenaeans. This unexpected evidence from all around the region during the

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