
Analysis Of Human Action And Interaction In The Knife Thrower

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Human action and reaction are heavily based on what we experience and how we interoperate those experiences. The Knife Thrower is a short story written by Steven Millhauser that focuses on three major concepts of human action and reaction. The story follows an audience of people as they watch an anticipating show of a knife thrower and his dangerous tricks. In the story, The Knife Thrower, Millhauser focuses on three major concepts of human action; how humans act amongst a group of people, how humans act when trust is built between two individuals, and how humans act when they witness pain and death in regards to the human body. The first concept that is focused on within this short story is the way humans act when they are amongst a group of people. When amongst a group of people, Millhauser’s work shows that humans are quick to follow each other and they create a herd mentality. An important literary concept Millhauser uses to his advantage to express this is the use of first-person narration. Millhauser uses words such as we and us to group together not only the audience’s feelings and thoughts but also the readers. This is done so strategically to present this first concept of how people herd together in groups during times of hesitation. The first way this is shown is when the audience has the opportunity to volunteer to receive “the mark” from the master (6). Everyone is extremely hesitant and looking at each other for some sort of direction on how to react. “A

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