
Analysis Of Inkle And Yarico By Beryl Gilroy

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When the term slavery comes to mind, most individuals form this image of 1800s before the civil war. Our mental representation, although accurate, tends to include thousands of African slaves on plantations, under the watchful eye of their respective masters. With this in mind, this vision of enslavement is the simplest form: one person owning another and forcing slaves to produce labor on their master’s behalf. Moreover, what comes as a surprise to many of us is that the term slavery is as old as civilization itself, as it derived and evolved throughout various points in history. In fact, many social, economic, and political forces of ancient societies framed the model of slave systems in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Greece, and Rome; …show more content…

Suddenly, by narrowly escaping the same fate of his fellow slaughtered shipmates, Inkle finds himself rescued by Yarico, an indigenous woman who takes him as her lover and assimilates Inkle to her Garifuna society’s lifestyle and culture. Amongst the residents, Inkle is at the mercy of Yarico’s love and protection. So, in return for Yarico’s assured security and affection for Inkle, a promise is made to bring her along with him to England once rescued. When liberated from indigenous captivity by a European vessel. Inkle makes the advantageous decision to betray his lover, required of him to readjust to New World civilization. To such degree, that he finds himself selling Yarico and her unborn child upon their arrival to the slave island of Barbados. Now, as the tables turn and Yarico find herself in the hands of Inkles mercy, his plans to recover his financial loss results in Yarcio stolen freedom into a system of slavery foreign to her own. Throughout history, many societies, have utilized slaves for diverse functions that influence the economy and the societies whose cultures made use of slaves. Within this paper, I will compare various characters and culturally different societies within the novel of Inkle and Yarico, while describing how their specific philosophies of systems of enslavement grant their economies and societies to operate and capitalize on them. To emphasize, depending on the time period and geographical location, a slave ‘system’

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