
Analysis Of Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

Satisfactory Essays

In his work “Into the Wild”, author Jon Krakauer tells the story of Chris “Alexander Supertramp” McCandless and his journey across the United States, beginning outside Atlanta, Georgia, and ultimately concluding in McCandless’ death in an abandoned bus in the wilderness near Healy, Alaska. Despite the strong criticism of many Alaskans , Krakauer argues that McCandless wasn’t, as Christian claims, “Stupid, tragic, and inconsiderate,” but instead paints a sympathetic picture of a young man with a profound moral compass seeking a higher truth.

According to Alaska Park Ranger Peter Christian “Alaska is populated with people who are either running away from something or seeking themselves in America’s last frontier.” Chris McCandless was doing just that. It all …show more content…

In the article “Why the teen brain is drawing to risk” Critics argue that “Indeed, young adults and teenagers have the double the risk of dying compared to their preteen selves.” This helps with why McCandless went into the wild, it shows that young people have the guts to take a high risk even though it could be bad in the long run. In the novel “Into The Wild” it said “ the last ride McCandless got was to the Stampede Trail with Jim Gallien, who gave Chris two sandwiches, a bag of corn chips, and a large pair of rubber boots, in return Chris gave jim his watch, his comb, and the last of his spare change, then off he went into the wilderness.” This further shows that McCandless didn’t have the intention of coming out of the wild alive, because a person who had the mindset of coming out alive would of kept their money, comb, and watch etc. With all of the research people now can say that Chris McCandless was “Stupid, Tragic and

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