
Analysis Of John Dewey 's Democracy And Education

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John Dewey in Democracy and Education, stresses the importance of formal education and how the mass media has manipulated the uneducated in our society. However, Dewey explains how manipulation is prevented through formal education. Not only will society become intelligent, they will be better-educated citizens with knowledge about serving others. Therefore, creating citizens that want to help each other and make a successful democracy. Dewey is still speaking to us today, about the mass media and technology and that the educated will use it from connecting on a global level for the betterment of society and grow culturally into globalism. The uneducated or as Dewey states, “immature” have the possibility to be dangerous in that they will be quite nationalistic and scared of moving with the rest of the world into as it relates today in our election choice between a globalist or a protectionist society. Dewey believes we must expand past the nation- state in our democracy and education. Based on my understanding of Dewey’s argument on the process by which education realizes in each individual, and on the importance of democracy for the betterment of humanity; the role formal schooling has in creating better, more democratic citizens. They are communicating with different cultures of people in society, they have individual freedoms and use them, and useful communication through the media and improving democracy for all citizens. Dewey describes, that the social aspect of

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