
Analysis Of John Lincoln 's ' The Night '

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John Winchester sleeps on his stomach with a knife and a gun under his pillow. His right hand clutches the handle to an old Beretta, since he 'd always been better at shooting with his dominant hand, and his left hand holds the leather hilt to a serrated, silver dagger. Even as he 's in a deep slumber, he makes sure that he has those two things tightly grasped in his hands. That way if anything comes into their motel room at night, John will be ready. He won 't let an evil thing take him from his sons, or his sons from him. The fire will not repeat, and John will never lose an important person in his life again. He 's going to protect those two boys from the things that go bump in the night, or he 's going to die trying. Dean, …show more content…

He knows that the monsters are out there, and that they will come for him. They did the night of the fire, but what about now? His grip on his weapons never falters, making sure that when he 's attacked, the sucker won 't stand a chance. It 'll be sliced, shot, whatever it takes to keep the thing from advancing. Once upon a time, he used to sleep like a rock. Mary would laugh at how he could sleep through his alarm and would only awaken after she shook him for a good ten minutes. The old John Winchester had liked his sleep, savored it. Now, however, he barely sleeps at all, and when he finally does turn in, the sweet pulls of unconsciousness seem to be forever out of his grasp. Not that he minds anymore. He 's learned to cope. Some nights he has a little sleeping aid, also knows as a beer or two, which gives him what he needs to get through a night without the nightmares. He can 't sleep every night knowing that his dreams will be haunted with depictions of demons and vengeful spirits and Mary. The nightmares often don 't let him glean any rest from his four hours a night, so going to bed a little wasted helps to ward them away. It 's at sometime in the wee hours of the morning during which John feels a dip in his bed. He 's instantly fully awake, alert to whatever has shaken him out of his slumber. Yes, there 's definitely something making its way across his

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