
Analysis Of Judith Ortiz Cofer's Abuela Invents The Zero

Decent Essays

In Abuela Invents the Zero, by Judith Ortiz Cofer, a common theme of respect can be seen. If you treat people without respect, you will lose respect for yourself. For starters, Connie disrespects her grandmother by saying, “I realize to my horror that my grandmother is lost. She can’t find her way back to the pew. I am so embarrassed that even though the women next to me is shooting daggers at me with her eyes, I just can’t move to go get her” (Cofer 14). This reveals that Connie is very embarrassed that her grandmother is lost in a huge church that she’s never been to before. She should be helping her grandma find her way back to their pew, yet heaven forbid someone will see her helping her elderly grandmother, perhaps someone would make …show more content…

Lastly, the quote helps add on to the central theme by explaining and adding on to the fact that Connie’s abuela is aging, therefore her body cannot function in the same way as Connie’s body can at her age. Possibly, instead continuing to disrespect her abuela, she should take time with her grandma to show her around the new lovely city, with beautiful scenery. We always should think before we speak, we many not know who we’re hurting on the inside. The negative gestures that Connie made towards her abuela, disappointed her abuela and others. By Connie displaying negative and hurtful actions, her grandmother no longer feels welcome. The worst you can make someone feel worthless. “You made me feel like a zero, like a nothing” (Cofer 16) The quote above mentioned, “...exploring the bottom of the sea, looking around, taking her sweet time” (Cofer 12). Relating to the text, her abuela is exploring the new city, just like Captain Cousteau was exploring the bottom of the sea. Coming to an end, Connie should make an effort to respect her abuela because you never know how long your loved ones have left. Take time to live in the moment; you never know when the moments together will be gone. Constancia should make an effort to have respect for others or she may lose respect for herself. You reap what you sow. “The respect you show to others (or lack thereof) is an immediate reflection on your self respect” (Alex

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