
Analysis Of Karen Engle 's Constructing Good Aliens And Good Citizens : Legitimizing The War On Terror

Decent Essays

Response: Karen Engle’s Constructing Good Aliens
And Good Citizens: Legitimizing the War on Terror

In this response to Karen Engle’s Constructing Good Aliens and Good Citizens: Legitimizing the War on Terror, I plan to give my opinion on several of the points made in the article. The purpose of the article was to bring to light to how aliens to this country are treated and looked at in a very harsh light. Overall, my opinion of the article is that I agree that the treatment of foreigners is unjust and hypocritical of the American people.
Something that jump out at me in the article Constructing Good Aliens and Good Citizens: Legitimizing the War on Terror was that to be considered a “good alien” you needed to show that you must hide any aggression you may feel towards foreign policy. Despite the fact that it may be effecting your family or yourself you lack the freedom of speech that is a right to stand up for what you believe in. I find this terribly sad. I don’t think anyone we come into contact with who has done nothing wrong or against the laws of the United States should be denied the rights that we give to most of our people. As cliché of a phrase it is, treat others the way you would wish to be treated sums up my opinion on how Americans should treat others in the world. If a foreign person feels that our foreign policy laws are too strict or unjust they should have a right to tell us without fear. They are the ones who deal with the policy and know how it affects

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