
Analysis Of Life Almost Straight

Decent Essays

Life Almost Straight, the title to the introductory unit, is somewhat contradicting. The decisions we make and the pathways we choose to take are more often than not just that, choices we make. However, to even remotely believe that we can live a life “almost straight” is naïve. It is human nature to follow the paths of those around us, or to sometimes take the road less travelled. So much goes into how our lives turn out, so many contributing factors result in us living whatever life we live. The human condition plays a rather large role in this life and the inability to live a “straight” one. Spirituality is an example of this. Our society is quite religious and even those who don’t practice a specific religion have the opportunity to project their lack of religiousness onto the decisions they make. Choosing to make a decision based on one’s own views and beliefs is part of the human condition and can shift someone’s life in an instant. Choosing to do or not to do something because of religious principles can make a straight life not so straight in the blink of an eye.
Life Almost Straight, the title to the introductory unit, is somewhat contradicting. The decisions we make and the pathways we choose to take are more often than not just that, choices we make. However, to even remotely believe that we can live a life “almost straight” is naïve. It is human nature to follow the paths of those around us, or to sometimes take the road less travelled. So much goes into how our

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