
Analysis Of Mark Twain 's Works Made A Huge Impact On Readers And Literary Critics

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Mark Twain’s works made a huge impact on readers and literary critics. His writing occurred during both the romantic and realist time eras in American Literature. He has simple, seemingly artless narrators and an understated style leads readers to arrive at the social commentary of his narratives on their own. Mark Twain’s writing influenced society because he created a new perspective on life with the views pointed out in his books.
The distinctive trait of Twain 's was his sense of humor. His writings are almost always humorous and have an element of satire to them. Satire is when people point out the absurdities of something by making fun of it a bit; so, if people notice characters with extreme personality traits …show more content…

Pinsker states that twain can never fit into society, added to our growing realization that he will never be free- even should he make it to the Territory and manage to survive-that makes Twain 's novel so problematic, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a deeply subversive book, not because it is peppered with the N-word or even because some see racism in what is the most anti-racist book ever written in America, but because it tells the Truth-not ‘mainly,’ but right down to the core.” (Huckleberry 642). No matter how often the critics "place in context" Huck 's use of the word “nigger,” they can never fully excuse or fully hide the deeper racism of the novel-the way Twain and Huck use Jim because they really don 't care enough about his “desire for freedom to let that desire change their plans. From Mark Twain’s reality writing introduced what is the “freedom”(Huckleberry 642), explained why people need “freedom”, and impacted American that should protect their “freedom”.
On the other way that Mark Twain has influenced American’s ethnocentric views from his writing, which is the Azoreans in the Innocents Abroad. In a 2003 journal with Reinaldo Francisco Silva about a review of assessing Mark Twain’s treatment of the Azoreans in the Innocents Abroad. He points out that Twain’s portrayal of the Azoreans reflects his ethnocentric views, “As other scholars have

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