
Analysis Of Marquis's Essay 'Why Abortion Is Immoral'

Decent Essays

In opposition Marquis take the side in his article “Why abortion is immoral” that abortion is morally impermissible. To begin his argument Marquis makes the assumption that it is typically wrong to murder an adult human being. He then poses the question, “What makes it wrong to kill”? What makes it wrong to kill is the loss of one’s life, which deprive one of experiences, activities, and projects that would have made one’s future. The same future infants and fetuses have. Therefore, making is wrong to kill them as it is to kill and adult. This conclusion is the bulk of his argument. He then goes on to consider various objections to his view. The first objection is that fetuses cannot themselves value their own futures, their futures are thereby not valuable to …show more content…

Fetuses are not capable of this; therefore, they cannot have a right to life. He argues that these two objections have a similar flaw, which is that just because a being does not currently value or desire something, it does not make that thing invaluable to, or undesirable. His third objection takes contraception into consideration. If Marquis’ theory is right that makes contraception immoral. He then argues that nothing is wrong with contraception because it doesn’t deprive a human of its future of value.
While Marquis does makes a strong argument Thomson's argument is more persuasive. Take into consideration the concept that the embryo might not be considered a human at conception. This is where Marquis' argument falls apart. To support the conclusion that an embryo isn’t a human at conception Thomson uses an oak tree analogy. She quotes that "Similar things might be said about the development of an acorn into an oak tree, and it does not follow that acorns are oak trees, or that we had better say they are". Marquis fails to even discuss this idea about abortion. Another problem in Marquis' argument is that he relies on the

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