
Analysis Of Mary Shelley 's Frankenstein Essay

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To be intellectually before one’s time is an extraordinary accomplishment, but for Mary Shelley, it is more impressive to write a one-of-a-kind ghost story. Shelley created a thought-provoking storyline through the eyes of scientist Victor Frankenstein. Written in the 19th century, Shelley’s book became a memorizing read, unheard of from women. In her world-known novel Frankenstein, the scientist fulfills his goals of giving life to a spirit-less body, playing God. With this accomplishment, he kick-starts a gothic and bloody journey and is forced protect his family and friends by attempting to end the life of his creation. Shelley opens up the reader’s eyes to see what they truly are: human. Her purpose is to reveal the dark workings inside the human mind. She uses a new writing style, simple but strong tone, powerful themes and relationships to bring awareness to some of the common, disturbing and affectionate characteristics that make humans who they are. Shelley uses an interesting style of writing; working her novel in a circular way. She starts and ends with letters written by Robert Walton. He writes to his sister, telling about the life of Victor Frankenstein in the first person. By starting off the novel with letters, Shelley opens up the opportunity for her round-about structure. In the first of Walton’s letters, Frankenstein said, “‘… listen to my history and you will perceive how irrevocably it is determined’” (Shelley 24). She introduces Victor as a minor

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