
Analysis Of Michel De Montaigne 's ' The ' Essay

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Michel de Montaigne, Excerpts from Book III, Chapter IX from Essays Michel de Montaigne, French author and philosopher, was born February 28, 1533 near Bordeaux, France. He was born into a family of administrative nobility and fortune that went back several generations. Montaigne 's father was a mayor of Bordeaux and had unique ideas concerning his son 's education. Montaigne was home-schooled exclusively in Latin and did not learn French until the age of six. When he attended college, Montaigne was not highly interested in the offered disciplines. Following, he attended a university to study law in order to continue the family 's tradition of public service. It was during his time in the French parliament that he befriended a distinguished scholar, who years later was an inspiration for his first essay on friendship. Montaigne was married at about thirty two, not out of love, but out of a sense of social duty. During the marriage, the couple had six daughters with only one surviving past infancy. He published his first writing in 1569, however, it was only in 1570 that he made a decision to leave public office and emerge himself in reading, meditation, and writing. Montaigne spends a great deal of his time in the library located in his castle 's tower. It is there, surrounded by a thousand books, that he spent ten years working on his first two essays, publishing them in 1580. Following the publication, Montaigne, being tired of the political climate of France and looking

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