
Analysis Of One Art By Elizabeth Bishop

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One Art Poetry Analysis
One art is poem written by Elizabeth Bishop discussing loss and the role it plays in the world. The poem conveys a powerful message subtly hidden in the speaker's use of connotation and denotation. In addition to the multiple connotations of loss in the poem, repetition and sound coupled together add meaning overall to the poem. The form of the poem contributes to the uses of repetition and connotation to emphasize the ease of loss.
In the poem as seen throughout much of it the speaker uses sound and repetition heavily through the length of the poem. The poem itself is a mirror into the author, Elizabeth Bishop's, life and losses she's collected throughout her lifetime. Upon research into Bishop the poem can easily be seen as a autobiographical piece.In the poem the speaker confesses to losing “two cities, lovely ones” Bishop lost her husband to suicide some years prior to having written the poem. Many of the losses described in the poem are personal anecdotes straight from Bishops life. The poem casually denotes the losses experienced in Bishops life creating a casual and ironic tone throughout the length of the poem.
Specifically the poem is a villanelle, a 19 line poem with two rhymes throughput the poem consisting of five tercets and a quatrain. In “One Art” the repeating lines are “The art of losing isn't hard to master” and “Disaster”, the end of every stanza in the poem the stanza ends with either of the two. In every the poem builds upon

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