
Analysis Of Professions For Women By Virginia Woolf

Decent Essays

Do you remember when women were limited to being just a wife? Being a doctor, lawyer or writer was only in our dreams. Women were stuck against a rock and wall looking for a way to explore all the opportunities in the world. Women were forced to be submerged under silence, lies and broken promises. It feels like women had to hold their tongue and stay insulated in stillness, so the truth would not emerge from within. Due to this recognition of the struggles for women over the years, Novelist, Virginia Woolf, in her argumentative essay “Professions for Women”, demonstrates the uphill battle that women had to face to be successful in their careers. Woolf speaks through her own persona in this essay by relating it back to her own personal life. She adopts an effective essay by incorporating symbolism, parallelism and allusion to sympathize with her audience to be true with who they are in order to be successful. Woolf introduces her audience to the Angel in the House to comport as a symbolic representation of the annihilation of women and the continuous brutality by men. “It was she who bothered me, and wasted my time and so tormented me that at last I killed her.” (Woolf 377). This conveys that Woolf felt pressured and mentally spitting out disgust. “Tormented” and “killed” concluded that she was being tortured and held a hostage against her own free will. The free will she had a right to, the free will that is being taken from her, the free will that is silenced by forced.

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