
Analysis Of Rene Descartes

Satisfactory Essays

Rene Descartes is known as the philosopher of the modern period which starts around the time 1600’s. He is also known as the “Father of Modern Philosophy”, whereas he is also considered one of the critics of the philosophy of Aristotle. In his mediation of philosophy he has discussed different ideas about the human existence. In the mediations, he has questioned an individual’s idea of perceptions, where he develops the idea of skepticism. Unlike Aristotle, he believes that mind is the first reality where idea and precipitations occurs. There are some absolute truths, which can be never be apart and they can be verified easily. He believes that truths which are absolute always have the simplest explanations. For example, 2+2=4 is one of …show more content…

He believes, if someone can doubt an idea or a thought, he or she has the freedom to change the idea. In his viewpoint, ideas or human body is finite.
However, we as in human beings are infinite. We (humans) have the ability to detach ourselves from the world and can have a radical free will, and have the ability to doubt any ideas or perceptions we might encounter in our life. Descartes believes that soul or mind are not connected to the body, as the body has different modes because the body is receiving new information from the world. However, mind or soul has the ability to doubt that idea and creates the simplest explanation about it. In his mediation, he also argues that mind over matter that mind will able to understand the scientific laws and it will help to create the simplest truth as it’s infinite. In the support of the individualism, he compared human beings with animals that how human beings have the ability to critically think about the world and its problems and look for the purpose of the complex situations. Whereas animals are a just a matter who does have the full potential to evaluate the situations around them, they merely do what they are being prepared for or they are asked to do.
As, we have discussed earlier that simplest explanations are the best explanations, and this phenomena can help in problem solving of the scientific research. We are all well aware of the fact, that science

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