
Descartes Week 3

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Descartes: Week Three Question In Meditation six: Concerning the Existence of Material Things, and the Real Distinction between Mind and Body, Rene Descartes wrote of his distinctions between the mind and the body, first by reviewing all things that he believed to be true, then assessing the causes and later calling them into doubt, and then finally by considering what he must now believe. By analyzing Descartes’ writing, this paper will explicate Descartes’ view on bodies and animals, and if animals have minds. Before explicating the answer to those questions, Descartes’ distinctions between the mind and the body should first be summarized and explained. Descartes starts his distinction of mind and by writing of his senses, that he has …show more content…

Although animals act on many impulses and mechanisms, many animals have proven that they have the ability to adapt and survive, showing that they have the ability to think of when they are ill, or feel pain. Animals have the ability to survive illness and changing environments. If animals only acted on mechanism, then they would exacerbate illness causing their demise, or they would fail to adapt to the changing environments, causing them to become extinct. The survival of species throughout years, proves that animals do not just act on mechanism, but also have a mind that is “tightly jointed”. In conclusion, this paper has explained Descartes view on bodies and animals, and analyzed whether Descartes believed that animals had minds. Explanation of Descartes view of minds and bodies has been provided, indicating that he believed that the mind and body were “tightly jointed”, as well as, his view of how the body would act without a mind. From these explanations, we have been able to conclude and explain why that Descartes would believe that animal do have minds.

Descartes, R., & Cress, D. (1998). Discourse on method; and Meditations on first philosophy. Indianapolis: Hackett

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