
Analysis Of Robert Frost 's ' Birches '

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The most misinterpreted element in Robert Frost poetry is his use of nature in a symbolic way. Frost is not describing the inner workings of nature as we see it all around us, but about exploring human psychology. For example, Frost uses Homely farmers, rural scenes, landscapes, and the natural world to epitomize a psychological struggle with an everyday experience that is often met with courage, will, and purpose; contextually, using Frost’s own life and personal psychology. Frost’s attitude in his poetry is honest, accepting, and stoical, nature is just used as a background. Frost usually begins his poems by delineate an observation of something in nature, then moves on toward a connection with some human concern or situation. He uses the natural world as symbolism in his poetry then suggests bigger, deeper, more complex ideas. In Robert Frost’s poetry he is not purely writing about nature, rather he is using nature as a tool to compose ideas relating to human nature.

In Robert Frost’s poem “Birches” he uses nature as imagery to convey his disdain for the pressures of social life. Frost does not specify which social burden he is referring too, but we can piece together parts of this poem and derive at his true meaning. The language Frost uses in “Birches” tell us there is a burden such as, … “Often you must have seen them…Loaded with ice… Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away… They are dragged to the withered bracken by the load, …though once they are bowed… So

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