
Robert Frost Annotated Birches

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As a child, one plays on the playground. The adventures happen amongst the swings. The escape and journey through the air causes the mind to wander and dream. The same way the speaker in Birches by Robert Frost uses his imagination to think of the dangling birches to be caused by a child at play. The feeling of going back and forth gives one the feeling of leaving earth for a little while and soaring above the trees. Feet towards the heavens and the feeling of one’s stomach dropping on the way down, gives a sense of release. As one goes through hard times, they look for that release from the world. The desire to get away is released through swinging to then be pulled back to earth. This same feeling was felt in Birches as a young boy rides …show more content…

As a child one can dream of what the want to be when they get older, what college they want to go to, and where they want to travel. Somewhere along the lines one loses this track of reaching those goals when they are faced with reality and soon enough one will see time has flown by and they are not where they want to be. What happened to that carefree mindset that one once had? Where did all the time go that one had planned to make all these dreams come true and make money and have that dream job? The speaker in Birches begins to think back on these simpler times of passing the time through play. When one becomes too old for play, they feel as if they are too old to dream and use their imagination. This loss of creativity causes one to lose sight of their dreams because the world told them they can not reach them. In everyday life each person is faced with this same issue for the fact there is always someone or something standing in the way of someone reaching their goals in life and becoming the person that have always wanted to be, but the question is will we allow those hurdles to stop us from pushing forward and transcending above all limits one is faced with or continue on this quest for …show more content…

That feeling of releasing all stress and anger that is caused by the daily world is what one longs for at the end of the day. Living in a dull lifestyle of repetition, the mind will consistently stay in that routine in which all creativity and imagination evaporates. The journey one takes as a young child up the tree to reach its peak to then ride down those birches gives an incomparable experience. As one grows older, there is a consistent thought of wanting to already be at one’s goal in life and being what one always wished to be, but in this process one gets stuck in a job, or in a routine that they dislike, but it is something that they have to do to get to where they want to be. If one looks at the life of the girl in the movie The Devil Wears Prada, the girl wanted to be a big writer someday, but found herself stuck in a job working for someone who treated her as a pet and had a devious personality in a way that it blocked many from their dreams. The girl lost herself in her job and in return she lost her friends, her boyfriend, her old life, and her real self worth. In many ways, people go through this everyday and we lose sight of our true goals in life. With the image of the boy, the man uses the wisdom of the young boy conquering the birches as a sign for him to go back and conquer his fears and hurdles that are preventing him from riding down his own personal

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