
Analysis Of Robert Frost 's Poetry

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than a modern poet, it is difficult to place him in the main current of modern poetry. (1962:138)
Because Frost 's poetry has been responsive and illustrative of the Americans ' taste and aspirations, the latter have considered him their singer and bard to be acclaimed as America 's Grand Man of Poetry as pointed out by Adlia Stevenson. (Grave,1985:2). Moreover, who is generally considered as one of the most prominent American poets of the 20th century, he is a symbolist poet on the grounds that he uses natural imagery allusive of particular daily situations and experiences; he uses some images so that, in addition to their meanings, they epitomize abstract ideas that seem to be more Importance and resonance. This …show more content…

To add, Frost is a contemporary poet, being the friend of some prominent yet great poets like Ezra Pound and Wallace Stevens. Thus, the question that Frost appears to be a poet of nature is still controversial among critics and readers, being different from any other modern poet of his time. The major themes tackled by Frost are those ones related to capitalism, the selfishness of the modern man, the existence of man, solitude, the individual 's dilemma as one trapped by the demerits of the modern world, and symbolism. This study examines carefully the elements of nature which Frost himself employs in his poetry for the sake of presenting particular themes and ideas, though he himself may deny the fact that the is a poet of nature. Nevertheless, a profound reading of Frost 's poetry proves that one could hardly avoid regarding him as a Poet of nature, for the natural elements predominant in his Poems. The Works of Frost Robert Frost is one of the greatest of American Poets. His poetry is a source of comfort and inspiration. Frost was particularly skilled at representing a wide range of human experience in his poems.(Randall, 1999).He also formed a life-long love of nature, the great outdoors and rural countryside. He composed his first poem "The Butterfly" at the age of nineteen, and it was accepted for publication

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