
Analysis Of Teenage Groups In S. E. Hinton's 'The Outsiders'

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In the novel, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton the reader is introduced to two teenage groups; The Greasers and The Soc’s. Both groups fight each other for respect and control over their territory. The social group that has it worst off in this novel are The Greasers they are poor, they have to worry about always getting jumped, and they are looked down upon. The first reason why The Greasers have it worst off is because they are poor. “Darry didn't go to college because he didn't have the money and Sodapop dropped out of school because he didn't really like it and because he and Darry had to get a job to take care of Ponyboy because their parents died.”(The Outsiders, the movie) I believe that it is a good thing that Darry and Soda thought it was important for Ponyboy to stay in school even though they didn’t. The Soc’s have a lot of money and everything they want, but to them money doesn’t mean anything because they have so much and all they wanted was emotion like The Greasers, and all their parents ever gave them was money hoping to make them happy and keep them out of trouble. …show more content…

“I could have waited to go to the movies until Darry or Soda got off work.” (Hinton, p.3) It would have been better if he would have waited to go to the movies till one of them go off work because he either would have not been jumped or if he was jumped he would have had people to help him so he wouldn’t be out numbered. The Soc’s have to worry about being jumped too, but they have an advantage because if they get in trouble they can pay to get out, but one of their friends Bob did get killed while jumping some Greasers so everyone has to worry if something goes wrong

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