
Analysis Of The Article ' Of Mr. Booker T. Washington

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Throughout history there has been dozens of civil rights activists, many who are still read about even today. Two of the most notable activists are W.E.B Du Bois and Booker T. Washington, both whom were the voices for African Americans. Although, both great leaders, they did not always agree completely, often butting heads over the others ideals. Booker T. Washington was a young African American man living in the south, during the civil rights era. Washington, being the last generation of slaves, became the voice of past slaves and the African American people. W.E.B Du Bois, although conflicting with Washington often, spoke of him in the highest regard. In his article “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others” Du Bois speaks of …show more content…

ever knew. Du Bois explains how although this is ok for a southern man like Washington to conform, when making the transition from the south to the north times are different. He challenges how Washington should not have went a long preaching to the north when he did not completely understand what being in the north entailed. He describes how Washington’s educational and consumerism approach is intelligent for someone like Washington, being an educator, but not the best solution for the African American population.
From Du Bois perspective the only reason Washington came into power so quickly, was because it has been shown through history when a leader is needed, a leader will be presented. African Americans have lived a life of powerlessness and when Washington, a well-educated man, presented himself to them, they took the opportunity to be guided. In Du Bois article, he breaks down the transition from slave hood to freedom. He goes into depth about how slaves lived a life of submission and for them to be free meant they had to take the opportunity to be free. Which is opposing Washington’s proposal to conform to the white standard, because that is what African Americans have been doing for centuries. An example of this continuous oppression is referenced by Du Bois. In his article, he references in 1830 when slavery was at its peak, the Abolition movement where black leaders rallied for rights, and the Revolution of

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