
Analysis Of The Book ' The Namesake ' Essay

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“ The situation of women is that she , a free and autonomous being like all creatures , nevertheless finds herself living in a world where men compel her to assume the status of the other ’’ ( Beauvoir , 173 )
Jumpa Lahiri , an expatriate – Indian , although generation expatriate and yet her first novel The Namesake is about a Bengali family Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli and their family . The novel portrays realistically experiences of this family, which is sometimes afflicted with a feeling of cultural alienation, rootlessness and dislocation experienced by every expatriate at some stage or other . Eventhough she belonged to the second generation still she understood the concept of diaspora by choice and therefore replicated the “ sandwich culture ” a concept in her novel . The concept of diaspora has to be specifically understood as a single educated man who leaves his native country for economic gain also resulting brain drain . The novel portrays the problem of acculturation and assimilation faced by the first generation as well as second generation women. Woman in Indian English fiction is depicted as the silent sufferer and upholder of the tradition and traditional values of family and society. Born and brought up in India , Ashima too upholds Indian values, traditions and culture even in America. The first generation immigrants feel proud to their cultural past and did not like to violate their cultural past while the second generation expresses its

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