
Analysis Of The Caine Mutiny Movie And Movie

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The Caine Mutiny - Analysis of the Book and the Movie
Every time I read a book, which made into a future film later, with my daughter, we always watch its movie after reading the book. When we talk about the book and the movie after, we have been harsh on the film. There is always something lacking in the movie due to the fact that certain demands of movie industry and time constraints. The Caine Mutiny, the book and the movie are not free from the generalizations. The movie, a classic drama, with its cast, is amazing, however, they only packed that much into two hours. While the movie has so many memorable moments from the book, time constraints mainly caused beginning and last part of the book to be left out completely. Moreover, the book is about mainly maturity of Willie Keith, his relationship with his mother, his father and, girlfriend, his struggle to be independent, his reactions to the behavior of different captains, whereas, the focus of the movie shifted to the events around commanding and leadership of a navy ship, the Caine. Moreover, throughout the book, Willie’s interaction with Tom Keefer plays an important role from the moment he stepped in the Caine until the end of the book, however, the movie focused on other characters, Captain Queeg and Mr. Maryk more.

I think the first leadership moment is that when Willie met with The Captain De Vriess with half naked in his office? This scene is slightly different in the book in a way that Mr. Keith and Mr.

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