
Analysis Of The Essay 'Black' By William Rasberry

Decent Essays

Humans have always fallen victim to the issue of stereotyping each other, whether that is being stereotyped or becoming stereotyped. A widespread form of stereotyping in our society is racially based. William Rasberry’s article “Black—By Definition” explores the topic of what it means to be “black” in our society. Observing examples of times one can be described as “black”, Rasberry considers the consequences of racial stereotyping.
Regardless of a reader’s stance towards race issues, they would find themselves captivated by Rasberry’s candid article. While still remaining formal, the article is able to elicit a strong emotional reaction from the reader. You are able to sense his worry as he lists examples of racial stereotyping which seem boundless. Despite the article being written over 30 years ago, the issues discussed still seem in existence. Hence, Rasberry’s discontent is reflected in the reader. …show more content…

He notes that when it pertains to “athletics, entertainment or sexual performance… a white practitioner will feel complimented to be told he does it ‘black.’” On the contrary, Rasberry discusses the detrimental effects of stereotyping, “the harm that comes from too narrow a definition of what is black.” While some assumptions of what it means to be “black” could be perceived as positive, others could have ramifications on black youth. For instance, “many of the things we concede to whites are the things that are essential to economic security” yet, the black community are not characterised by this stereotype. To sum up, the author discusses the importance of developing positive ethnic

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