
Analysis Of The Essay 'Don T Be Like That'

Satisfactory Essays

Both of the articles for today centralizes around the issues regarding black inequalities. Kelefa Sanneh’s article “Don’t Be Like That” emphasizes on the two type of sociologists’ perspectives on blacks’ issues. The two categories that he placed sociologist was structuralist and culturalist. His take in the article was about whether or not black culture needs to be reformed in order for blacks to get out of the inequalities they are in. Meanwhile in Jennifer Roesch’s article, “Taking Racism Seriously”, she discusses that the reason for blacks’ inequalities is primarily due to economic inequalities. She agrees with Sanneh that inequality is not resulted from just blacks’ culture. In a sense, inequality is due to institutional structures and systems that has led to the construction of inequality. Sanneh describes that there are two types of sociologists who study black America, the structuralist and the culturalist. Each type is defined by the primary focus that they emphasizes on. …show more content…

She argues that economic inequality is a result of racism and capitalism. However, it can be said that both racism and capitalism are also a product of economic inequality. She argues that it is important to look at economic factors as well as social factors that contributes to racism. She believes it is important to bring together antiracist demands and economic demands in order to get to achieve solidary and unity to break the racial division. Sanneh’s article helps us understand that black culture alone does not help answer racial inequalities and that it is necessary to look at the structural side to racial inequality, which includes economic circumstances and racism. This helps us understand Roesch’s article on how economic circumstances fuels racisms and vice versa, meaning economic inequality constructs and maintain racial

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