
Analysis Of The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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“Freedom is the oxygen of the soul, “Moshe Dayan once said. Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Having freedom and being free is a privilege, a privilege that is denied to many. Without freedom individuals lose the opportunity to think as they wish, and express themselves and, most importantly lose touch with the person they truly are. In the novel, The Handmaids Tale by, Margaret Atwood freedom that had once been alive and present has been taken away from the people of Gilead. Before time in the state of Gilead freedom was something every citizen was presented with, but when a coup takes place and the government collapses that privilege is taken away. The women of the …show more content…

Even today the dominant ideology is freedom and a belief of a better country. In the novel, Aunt Lydia stated,” Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don't underrate it” (Atwood, 156.) What the character meant by this quote was that there are two kinds of freedom. The freedom that they had before, the freedom that they were given to dress how they desired and were permitted to read, write, and spend money are described as freedom to. Now they are in the state of horrible conditions and are not allowed to do whatever they want and to make their own decision therefore it is freedom from. With all this being said the character says that they should still be grateful for what little freedom they have left and not mourn for the freedom they had in the past. The thematic relationship between freedom to and freedom from has been historically present, but instead it is the other way around. The people of our country now have freedom to while many decades before the people had freedom from. To mention if something is culture specific means to mention something that pertains to a specific culture. The culture of Gilead was taken away from them with their freedom. The people of

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