
Analysis Of The Hurt Locker And Skyfall

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The scenes I have chosen for the final project come from the films The Hurt Locker (Kathryn Bigelow, 2008) and Skyfall (Sam Mendes, 2012). The reason I chose these scenes is because they both symbolize the effects of alcohol. The scene from The Hurt Locker involves the consumption of alcohol by the soldiers, which changes their behaviors and actions. They transform from tough, serious characters, to compassionate, childish characters under the influence of alcohol. In this context, alcohol holds the power over the characters in this scene. Alcohol also plays a role of power in the clip I chose from Skyfall; it is the glass of alcohol in this scene which influences Bond’s decision. Alcohol, as well as other elements of cinematography blend together to produce scenes where power is the main theme. The scene that I selected from The Hurt Locker is titled “Stuff That Almost Killed Me.” Here, we see three soldiers, who go by the names of Will, J.T., and Owen, bonding after a long day at work. It is evident that they have all consumed a good amount of alcohol; the bottle on the table they sit around gives us this clue, in addition to the way the characters are speaking. Next, we see J.T. going through a box of items that belong to Will. As he picks each item up from the box, J.T. asks why Will kept these war items under his bed. Will describes the significance of each one, followed by saying that these are all things that almost killed him. After they disagree about the significance of the items Will kept, J.T. and Will get up and throw punches at each other, but just joking around. The scene ends with J.T. laying on the floor in pain after being hit by Will. In Skyfall, Bond is presented the challenge of shooting a shot glass off of a woman’s head. In the glass, of course, is alcohol, the element of power. Raoul (the bad guy) leads Bond to the back of an abandoned building where a woman named Severine is tied up. Bond is offered a shot of alcohol, followed by the rules of a little game presented by Raoul. He tells Bond that the two of them are going to see who can shoot a glass off of Severine’s head first. As Bond is handed a gun, the man behind him puts a gun to Bond’s head, and the music that was once playing

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