
Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Significance of Mr. Summers’ Character in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
In the short story, The Lottery, Jackson applies Mr. Summers’ character to highlight his significant role in the village’s life as a whole and more particularly in the lottery. It is also significant to note that the character is also a deep irony in relation to the plot of the story. Mr. Summers is the most notable figure and an important person of all the people who manage the lottery. The lottery is held on June 27th, which is noted as being a full summer day. He is responsible for running most of the things that the village collectively performs since he has the energy and time and is devoted to the civic activities. This is one of the rationales why his character is pivotal to the development of the plot of the story. The story revolves around a village in New England whose residents gather at 10 a.m. in the square between the bank and the post office for the lottery which is held every year. There is a bright sun shining on green lawns and fragrant flowers. More than 300 residents wait in the amicable environment for Mr. Summers to arrive with the black wooden box where everyone will draw a folded slip of paper. Adults are chatting while the children are playing where they gather stones. The person who will be lucky enough to draw the slip of paper with the black dot will be the lucky person who will walk away with the entire proceedings of the lottery. The

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