
Analysis Of The Meditations By Marcus Aurelius

Decent Essays

The Meditations was written by Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, almost a hundred years after the birth of Christ. This man had all the power in the world, but he remained virtuous and pious as illustrated through his book. This book was never intended to be published. It is a collection of exhortations, reminders, reflections, and ideologies meant for his own self-improvement. By reading his Meditations, I have grown in thought and character. Aurelius has wonderful lessons everyone can learn from. Author Marcus Aurelius was born 121 AD in Rome. His father died three years after. He was then adopted by his grandfather who provided teachers for Marcus, all of whom he expresses gratitude for in Book 1. At age seventeen, Marcus was adopted …show more content…

Marcus’ incorporation of Stoicism is evident in my favorite lessons from his book. History and Impact The first clear reference to Marcus’s Meditations was made around 300 AD by Themistius in his speech to the eastern emperor Valens. He calls Marcus’s aphorisms ‘exhortations’. From then on, the Meditations has been translated hundreds of times from Ancient Greek. Marcus never titled his notes, they were just ‘jottings’ in his journal. There are multiple titles for them, but the one that has stuck the most is, of course, his Meditations. The Meditations has impacted men of power and soldiers the most. Marcus was the emperor when he wrote his exhortations. Therefore, leaders are able to identify with his wisdom. There are a lot of excerpts that would be helpful to leaders. For instance: “‘The man without one and same aim in life cannot himself stay one and the same throughout his life.’ The maxim is incomplete unless you add what sort of aim that should be. Judgments vary of the whole range of various things taken by the majority to be goods in one way or another, but only one category commands a universal judgment, and that is the good of the community. It follows that the aim we should set ourselves is a social aim, the benefit of our fellow citizens. A man directing his own impulses to this end will be consistent in all his actions.” 112:21 If I was in a position of power, I would consult this book because Marcus was in a position of power too and he has

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