
Analysis Of The Monkeys Paw

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In the text version "The Monkey's Paw", the mood is developed through the setting of the story. In the starting of the story, the narrator said, "Without, the night was cold and wet, but in the small parlour of Laburnam Villa the blinds were drawn and the fire burned brightly." (Jacobs 1). These sentences sets the scene for the story. This sets the mood which is creepy because it is dark, cold, and wet this makes the setting spooky and creepy. Likely in the play of the "Monkey's Paw", the mood is developed through the lighting. In the beginning of the play, there was snowy background in the back which was shown through the windows on the door. There were also flashing lights which represented the lighting outside. These things showed that it is cold and wet and dark same as the story. Because there is lighting we know it is raining outside, because we can see the snow we can expect it to be cold outside, and because it is dark outside we know it is night. A dark, wet, and cold makes the setting creepy and spooky. This is the same as the text version which had the same mood through the setting. In the text version "The Monkey's Paw", the mood is developed through the actions of the main character. In part 1, the narrator said, ''' ‘If you only cleared the house, you’d be quite happy, wouldn’t you!’ said Herbert, with his hand on his shoulder. ‘Well, wish for two hundred pounds, then; that’ll just do it.’ '''. (Jacobs 3) This sets the mood which is greedy because the family

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