
Analysis Of The Movie ' Slumdog Millionaire '

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Danny Boyle’s film Slumdog Millionaire follows two brothers from the Juhu slum in Mumbai as they face the trials and tributes of growing up in poverty. Although Salim, the elder brother, is given the same childhood experiences and trauma as his younger brother Jamal, his drive and hunger for power lead him to a life of crime, corruption and misconduct. These actions later have a detrimental effect on his relationship with Jamal, which in turn, becomes his demise. Boyle uses a range of effective film techniques to develop Salim’s growth as a character which helps to communicate the idea that ambition can enhance an individual or be the reason for their downfall. Throughout the film, Boyle uses the varying stages of Salim’s life through …show more content…

This in itself begins to twist and corrupt Salim as he is trying to become powerful by acting controlling and aggressive to the other children, which, in turn, alienate him for their group as they consider him controlling and greedy. Boyle’s use of these film techniques to show how Salim’s ambition is being used against him. Maman see’s this hunger for power and control in such a young child and uses it to harness control over Salim, moulding Salim into a replica of himself. Boyle continues to develop these ideas in Salim’s adolescents as his childish naivety is replaced by a stern front that is brought about by the denial of his childhood trauma. At this point in his life, Salim has changed a lot due to the effects of the tough life he has had. His childhood trauma has simply been pushed to the back of his mind, but these forgotten memories are constantly biting at the back of his thoughts further corrupting his ideas of morality and his hunger for power. Salim is face to face with his idol again. When Maman first enters the room a Dutch angle is used to show the confusion and shock from both parties. Salim and Maman have not seen each other for years and Salim has changed a lot in that time. Maman and Salim are seen in a mid shot together. Salim is no longer looking up to Maman as he now understands that he is slimy and heinous, the men have come face to face

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