
Analysis Of The Novel ' Mothers Of Invention

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The novel Mothers of Invention allows readers to achieve perception of the lower to upper-class women of the confederate south through their own eyes and words. The author, Drew Gilpin Faust, uses five hundred women’s well-kept diaries, letters, essays, memoirs, fiction, and poetry as well as Newspapers and significant political documents to reference how the Civil War molded their lives. Faust illustrates that many of these women lost their social standings, traditional gender roles, families, and homes. These women were able to redefine what it meant to be southern women of the Confederate war as well as develop new understandings of themselves. In this paper I will be discussing how southern women contributed to the war effort, what hardships these women faced and how they dealt with them, and why southern women turned against the Confederate war effort. The southern women can be divided into two categories: the workingwomen and the plantation-women. The absence of plantation women’s husbands and/or sons forced them to oversee slaves and farming. The rest of the women went out for the first time in hopes of finding sufficient work. However, some southern women were fed up with just sitting around doing nothing while their men were out at war. At first, many women who did not own slaves did not know how to occupy their time. Ada Bacot of South Carolina expresses her view, “Another day has passed & what have I accomplished? I am truly unworthy… there is nothing left for me

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