
Analysis Of The Poem ' Hills Like White Elephants '

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Elephants, specifically white elephants, the Bible, and the beautiful red bud of a blooming rose, all have a similar meaning. The answer to the meaning of these material objects would be curtains, tall and wide mountains like the Appalachians, and trains. These may just be material objects, but the allegory, or symbolism, is alive and useful in both history and present day. "Hills Like White Elephants", "A Rose For Emily", and "Where Are You Going, Where have you been?" are all fictional short stories, with numerous amounts of allegory, or symbolism, to be analyzed by the use of quotes from each story, and all with both a short term symbolic meaning and a long term overall theme.
I was intrigued by all of the symbolism in “Hills Like White Elephants”. At first, I did not realize the symbolic meaning of these material objects, but did further research to find out. The beaded curtain doesn’t have the best meaning today, but along with the train track and the hills they all mean the same thing. Jig (a dance, and also a black person), the beaded curtain, the tracks, the hills, could all mean BOUNDARIES. Ernest Hemingway writes, “Well, let’s try and have a fine time. All right. I was trying. I said the mountains looked like white elephants. Wasn’t that bright? That was bright” (312). The girl and the woman were discussing if the girl wanted water in her alcoholic drink. She did not know what she wanted so she tried. She goes on to say how nasty the drink tasted, which is replied

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