
Analysis Of The Poem ' The Lord Of His Love ' Essay

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Christopher Marlowe’s poem “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” is widely understood to be a combination of pastoral and carpe diem poetry that invites its subject, with the incentives of gifts and paradise, to join its speaker in a natural utopia—it embodies the trend of poetry and invention through pastoral imagination. In comparison, Walter Ralegh’s “The Nymphs Reply to the Shepherd” is on the side of reason and philosophy, widely recognized as a refuting reply that uses Marlowe’s own structure against him to reject the Shepherd’s invitation. The question then becomes, if Ralegh’s response is rooted in logic and meant to discredit Marlowe’s work, why is it crucial that it be written in the exact same form? Ralegh’s choice to directly mirror Marlowe’s poetry allows for reinterpretation and subtle tweaking of the piece, so as to respond to it in the most critical way. “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” mirrors, repeats, and slightly alters aspects of the original work to use Marlowe’s own words and structure to critique both its content and essence as a poem. Every instance of similarity and every subtle change made to Marlowe’s poem is precise and purposeful, demonstrating the power of language and the critical ability of poetic reinterpretation. At first glance, the form is identifiably the same, possibly leading the reader to believe the two poems are doing the same amount of poetic work—this is not the case. The initial stanzas function differently, setting the

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